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Online Lecture by Prof. Jiquan Chen "Sustainability Challenges for the Socio-Environmental Systems across the Asian Drylands Belt"

November 03, 2021

Professor Jiquan Chen from Michigan State University, who is currently a Fulbright Global Scholar in Germany, will be giving an online lecture on “Sustainability Challenges for the Socio…

An opportunity to contribute papers to a Special Edition on Half-a-Century Landscape Dynamics Observed From Space

October 19, 2021

Celebrating 50 years of Landsat data, Garik Gutman (LCLUC Program Manager) is leading a Special Edition of papers applying decadal time-series data from Landsat, AVHRR,MODIS to study…
Release of MuSLI Land Surface Phenology V1.1 Data Product

August 27, 2021

August 26, 2021


The LP DAAC is pleased to announce the availability of NASA’s Multi-Source Land Imaging (MuSLI) Land Surface Phenology (LSP) Version 1.1 Yearly…

Copernicus Water Quality Project

August 18, 2021

 Please get acquainted with activities, aims and expectations of a Copernicus Service Evolution project within the Research and Innovation Action program of the H2020 framework. Being part of…

Esri Releases New 2020 Global Land Cover Map

July 08, 2021

Esri releases first-ever high-resolution (10-meter), 2020 global land cover map. The map was built using European Space Agency (ESA) Sentinel-2 satellite imagery and developed using a new…
Pecora 22 : Call for special sessions

June 25, 2021

The Pecora 22 conference celebrates the 50th anniversary of the launch of the first Landsat satellite and the accomplishments that followed.  The conference theme, …