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Graduate Students


  • Andrea Melchiorre. Satellite Constellation Requirements for 30 m Global Burned Area Mapping


  • Leila Cooper-University of Montana. Landsat-driven analysis of the impacts of climate on carbon release resulting from forest disturbance.
  • Caroline Curtis-University of Massachusetts Amherst. Using time series of remotely sensed imagery to understand invasive pine dispersal.
  • Francis Dwomoh-South Dakota State University. Vulernability of protected areas to human encroachment, climate change, and fire in the fragmented topical forests of West Africa.


  • Katerine Chadwick-Carnegie Institution of Washington. Remote sensing of Landscape-scale variability in a tropical ecosystem.
  • Tony Chang-Montana State University. Physical disturbance model integration with bioclimatic envelope modeling for conservation management.
  • Francis Dwomoh-South Dakota State University. Vulernability of protected areas to human encroachment, climate change, and fire in the fragmented topical forests of West Africa.
  • Chris Hakkenberg-University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Understanding the Impact of land cover/Use change on plant diversity: scaling from plots to landscapes using multi-sensor remote sensing.
  • Catalina Munteanu-University of Wisconsin-Madison. Long-term forest dynamics in mountain regions accounting for topography, land use history and management regimes to indentify high convervation-value ecosystems.


  • Woubet Alemu-South Dakota State University. Modeling Land Surface Phenologies and Seasonalities Using Earthlight: A Comparison between Tropical and Temperate Croplands, and Application to Assessment of Agricultural Productivity
  • Caitlin Andrews-University of Maine. The Acadian Forest and Climate Change: Analyzing Shifting Species Distributions and Effects to the Carbon Balance
  • Michael Beland-San Diego State University. Mapping Oil-Impacted Vegetation in Louisiana Salt Marshes: Investigating the Effects of Endmember Spatial, Temporal and Inter-Specific Variability on Vegetation Cover Estimates
  • Nan Feng-University of Alabama in Huntsville. Understanding the Climatic Impacts of Land Use Change and Biomass Burning Aerosols over Southeast Asia Using Numerical Models and Satellite Observations
  • Nandita Gaur-Texas A&M University. A New Heterogeneity Triangle to Characterize Land-surface Heterogeneity for Estimating Near-Surface Soil Moisture Beyond Darcy Scale
  • Caitlin Kotigis- University of Wisconsin. Nelson Institute  Urbanization, Climate Change, and Rice Crop Sustainability
  • Jie Zhang- University of Maryland, College Park. Global Agricultural Drought Monitoring From Satellite Observation



  • Zhao Liu-University of California, Irvine. An Explicit Representation of River Networks in a Catchment-Based Land Surface Model Framework for SWOT Assimilation
  • David Marvin-University of Michigan. Are Tropical Lianas Increasing in Abundance? An Integrated Satellite-Aerial-Ground Approach for Liana Detection at the Landscape Scale
  • Sam Rabin- Princeton University. Understanding Land Use and Fire at a Global Scale
  • Carlos Ramirez Reyes-University of Wisconsin-Madison. Monitoring Deforestation to Evaluate Mexico's Payments for Ecosystem Services and Assess Land Use Change Effects on Jaguar Habitat
  • Paul Schmid-Purdue Univeristy. Investigating the Impacts of Land-Surface Heterogeneity and Urban Aerosols on
    Thunderstorms Using Numerical Models and Multiplatform Satellite Observations
  • Xiaopeng Song-University of Maryland. An integrated Assessment of Deforestation on Terrestrial Carbon Storage and Value of Ecosystem Services
  • Hao Tang-University of Maryland. Determining Tropical Rain Forest Successional States Using Vertical Leaf Area Index (LAI) Profiles from Lidar Remote Sensing
  • Abel Woldelmichael - Tennessee Tec University. Understanding Atmospheric Rivers, Terrain and Anthropogenic Land Cover Changes on Storm Modification Around Large Dams Using Multi-Sensor Satellite Data, Cloud Tracking and numerical Modeling



  • Barman, Rahul - University of Illinois. Investigating Biogeophysical - Biogeochemical Interactions In The Northern High- Latitudes Using A Land Surface Model Integrating Recent Advances In Terrestrial Modeling, and Land Use Change
  • DeVisser, Mark H - Michigan State University. NESS Fellowship: Land Cover Change and Disease Ecology: The Unintended Impacts of Prosopis Juliflora In Kenya
  • Hull, Vanessa - Michigan State University. Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Animal Habitat Selection Across A Coupled Human and Natural System
  • Meigs, Garrett W - Oregon State University. Mapping Disturbance Interactions From Earth and Space: Insect Effects On Fuels and Wildfires Across Forests of The Pacific Northwest
  • Whitcraft, Alyssa Kathleen - University of Maryland. Developing An Image Acquisition Strategy For Global Agricultural Monitoring



  • Barber, Christopher - South Dakota State University. Applied Remote Sensing For Conservation Monitoring
  • Fagan, Matthew - Columbia University. Growing Up Fragmented: Using Hyperspectral Imagery to Improve Estimates of Ecosystem Services from Tropical Reforestation
  • Gray, Joshua M - The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Hydrologic Response of Forested Catchments to Climate and Land Cover/Land-Use Changes
  • Pflugmacher, Dirk - USDA Forest Service. Using Landsat-Derived Disturbance and Succession History to Extend Lidar Estimates of Forest Biomass
  • Tucker, Colin L - University of Wyoming. Wintertime Plant, Soil, and Ecosystem Carbon Cycling: Scaling Plot-Level Mechanisms to Landscape Level Patterns



  • Brandt, Jodi - University of Wisconsin - Madison. Land Use and Land Cover Change in Southwest China's Himalayan Mountains and the Implications for Alpine Meadows, Forest Ecosystems, and Avian Biodiversity
  • Carter, Neil - Michigan State University. Coupled Human and Natural System Approach to Studying Tiger-Human Interactions in Chitwan National Park
  • Munzimi, Yolande - South Dakota State University. Hydrological Response to Land Cover and Land use Change in the Congo Basin
  • Peterson, David - University of Nebraska. The Interannual Variability of Biomass Burning in North America using MODIS Data: Fire Weather Forecasting Applications
  • Salmon, Jessica - Boston University. Future Trend of Irrigation Water Demand Using Integrated Remote Sensing and Physical Models
  • Valin, Lukas - University of California, Berkeley. Satellite Observations at High Space and Time Resolution: Understanding Requirements for Assessing Urban-Scale NOx and O3
  • Wilson, Adam - University of Connecticut. Fire, Phenology and Weather: Implications of Climate Change in Mediterranean Ecosystems



  • Barber, Christopher - South Dakota State University. Applied Remote Sensing For Conservation Monitoring
  • Broadbent, Eben - Carnegie Institution. Influence Of Forest Architecture On Carbon Assimilation Along An Elevational Gradient In Hawaii: Linking Field Measurements, Airborne LiDAR, And Modelling
  • Carlson, Kimberly - Yale University. Evaluating And Modeling The Consequences Of Oil Palm Expansion In Indonesian Borneo Using A Multi-Sensor Satellite Approach
  • Chow, Victoria - Harvard University. An Integrated Approach To Quantify Regional Carbon Budgets In North America And Amazonia By Assimilation Of High-Resolution Meteorological And Remote Sensing Data
  • Fairman, Jonathan - University of Alabama - Huntsville. Quantifying The Effects Of Upwind Land Cover Change On Alpine Glaciers
  • Foster, Jane - University of Wisconsin - Madison. Forest Insect Defoliation And Carbon Dynamics: Linking Remote Sensing With Simulation Modeling
  • Longo, Marcos - Harvard University. Interaction Between Convection, Disturbance, And Deforestation In The Amazon: A Remote Sensing And Modeling Study
  • Macedo, Marcia - Columbia University. Tropical Deforestation And The Land-Water Interface: Linking Land Use, Stream Connectivity, And The Health Of Freshwater Fish Communities
  • O'Neal, Kelley - University of Maryland - College Park. Impacts Of Grazing, Fire, And Precipitation Variability On Woody Plant Cover In Chihuahuan Desert Grasslands, USA
  • Santos, Carolina - Michigan State University. Complex Land Use And Cover Trajectories In The Northern Choco Bioregion Of Colombia
  • Serbin, Shawn - University of Wisconsin - Madison. An Integrative Approach For Quantifying The Effects Of Disturbance On Regional Forest Carbon Cycling
  • Tian, Qing - University of Michigan. From Vulnerability To Sustainability: Vulnerability And Sustainable Development In The Context Of Climatic And Institutional Changes In Rural China
  • Tosca, Michael - University of California - Irvine. Effects Of Fire Aerosols On Climate And Drought In Equatorial Southeast Asia
  • Velasquez, Jorge - Stoney Brook University. Using Remote Sensing Products To Predict The Impact Of Climate And Land-Cover Change On The Abundance And Distribution Of Andean Birds



  • Bolch, Michael - Duke University. Evaluating the Effects of Land-Surface Heterogeneity at Various Scales on Atmospheric Boundary Layer Processes
  • Dieye, Amadou - South Dakota State University. Land Cover Land Use Change and Soil Organic Carbon under Climate Variability in Semi-Arid to Sub-Humid West African Sahel (1975-2050)
  • Dubinin, Maxim - University of Wisconsin - Madison. Effects of Land Use Change on Fire, Vegetation and Wildlife Dynamics in Arid Grasslands of Southern Russia
  • Ellicott, Evan - University of Maryland - College Park. Estimating Global Biomass Burning Emissions Using Fire Radiative Power
  • Espirito-Santo, Fernando - University of New Hampshire. Natural Forest Disturbance and Carbon Cycling in the Brazilian Amazon: Remote Sensing Approaches at Local and Regional Scales
  • Gorsevski, Virginia - University of Maryland - College Park. Impacts of Conflict on Land Cover, Fire Dynamics, and Biodiversity Potential in the Imatong Mountains of Southern Sudan
  • Jiang, Xiaoyan - University of Texas - Austin. Using Satellite Observations and a Fully Coupled Land-Atmosphere-Chemistry Model to Study the Coupling between Vegetation and the Hydrologic Cycle Through Biogenic Emissions Pathways
  • Kane, Van - University of Washington. Spectral Mixture Analysis of ASTER Images to Estimate Forest Biomass and Habitat
  • Lindquist, Erik - South Dakota State University. Using MODIS and Landsat Data to Advance Regional, High-Spatial Resolution Change Monitoring for the Humid Tropical Forests of the Congo Basin



  • Adeney, Jennifer - Duke University. Remote Sensing of Essential Drivers of White Sand Systems in the Brazilian Amazon Using Landsat and MODIS
  • Barnes, Christopher - South Dakota State University. United States Land Cover Land Use Change, Albedo and Radiative Forcing: Past and Potential Climate Implications
  • Christman, Zachary - Clark University. Disaggregating Phenological Variation from Discrete Land-Cover Change in the Rio Lerma-Chapala Watershed, Mexico
  • Dasgupta, Swarvanu - George Mason University. Multi-Sensor Approach for Monitoring Fire Risk in the Wildland Urban Interface
  • Eckmann, Ted - University of California - Santa Barbara. Validating Retrievals of Subpixel Fire Sizes and Temperatures from MODIS to Improve Understanding and Monitoring of Fires
  • Galford, Gillian - Brown University. Biogeochemical Consequences of Land-Use Transitions Along Brazil's Agricultural Frontier
  • Lipscomb, Monica - University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill. Urban Landscape Patterns: Impacts on Hydrologic Processes and Nitrogen Pollution
  • Loughner, Christopher - University of Maryland - College Park. How Do Changes to the Urban Environment Affect Precipitation and Air Quality?
  • White, Benjamin - University of Maryland - College Park. Conservation or Degradation: The Impact of Land Cover Change on the "Outstanding Universal Value" of World Heritage Sites