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Release of MuSLI Land Surface Phenology V1.1 Data Product

August 26, 2021


The LP DAAC is pleased to announce the availability of NASA’s Multi-Source Land Imaging (MuSLI) Land Surface Phenology (LSP) Version 1.1 Yearly North America product (MSLSP30NA) at 30-meter resolution. This product is derived from Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 (HLS) data and provides phenological metrics such as dates of phenophase transitions including timing of Greenup, maturity, senescence, and dormancy.

Changes from Version 1 include an additional year of data, modest changes to the spline fitting algorithm, updating the Quality Assurance (QA) fields to reflect the changes in gap-filling, and new layers that include peak date corresponding to the maximum EVI2 value in a growth cycle (Peak and Peak_2) along with number of days with clear observations in calendar year (numObS).

A citation containing the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for the dataset is provided below.

MuSLI Multi-Source Land Surface Phenology Yearly North America 30 m V011 – MSLSP30NA.011
Friedl, M. MuSLI Multi-Source Land Surface Phenology Yearly North America 30 m V011. 2021, distributed by NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, Accessed YYYY-MM-DD.

The data are available for download through the LP DAAC Data Pool and NASA’s Earthdata Search.

Have questions? Contact LP DAAC User Services.

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