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Displaying 26 - 44 of 44
Start Date Title
04/01/2014 Land Cover and Land Use Changes and Their Effects on Carbon Dynamics in South and South East Asia: A Synthesis Study
04/01/2014 Mapping Industrial Forest Plantations in Tropical Monsoon Asia Through Integration of Landsat and PALSAR Imagery
04/01/2014 Monitoring and Mapping the Area, Extent and Shifting Geographies of Industrial Forests in the Tropics
01/01/2013 Increased Accessibility, Landscape Changes, Rural Transformations, and Urbanization: Impacts of the East-West Economic Corridor from Da Nang, Vietnam, to Khon Kaen, Thailand
05/31/2011 Quantifying Changes in Agricultural Intensification and Expansion in Monsoon Asia during 2000-2010
04/29/2011 Socio-economic and Political Drivers of Oil Palm Expansion in Indonesia: Effects on Rural Livelihoods, Carbon Emissions and REDD
05/01/2008 Land Use - Ecosystem - Climate Interactions in Monsoon Asia
04/23/2008 Developing Land Cover Classification Products in Monsoon Asia Over the Period of 2004-2007 Through Integration of Landsat and ALOS/PALSAR Images
04/10/2008 The Expansion of Rubber and its Implications for Water and Carbon Dynamics in Montane Mainland Southeast Asia
04/01/2008 Land Cover and Land Use Change and its Effects on Carbon Dynamics in Monsoon Asian Region
01/01/2005 A Comprehensive Statistical Analysis System to Associate Local Land-Cover/Land-Use Change and Regional Aerosol Composition and Concentration
01/01/2004 Effects of Logging, Plantation Conversion, Biomass Burning and Regrowth on Carbon Dynamics in Bornean Peat and Dipterocarp Forests: Implications for Global Carbon Cycle
01/01/2004 Reducing Uncertainties of Carbon Emissions from Land Use-Related Fires with MODIS Data: From Local to Global Scale
01/01/2004 The Role of Land-Cover Change in Montane Mainland Southeast Asia in Altering Regional Hydrological Processes Under a Changing Climate
01/01/2001 Influence of Humans, Climate, and Fire on Forest Ecosystems and Carbon Dynamics in Indonesian Borneo
01/01/2001 Land Use Change Around Protected Areas in LCLUC Sites: Synthesis of Rates, Consequences for Biodiversity, and Monitoring Strategies
01/01/2001 Simulating of Land Use Dynamics in Southeast Asia: A Cellular Automation Approach
01/01/1997 Case Studies and Diagnostic Models of the Interannual Dynamics of Deforestation in Southeast Asia: Is the Missing Sink for Carbon in Land Cover Change
01/01/1997 Soils, Water, People and Pixels: A Study of Nang Rong