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Start Date Title
03/01/2022 Untangling the Interactions Between Rural Outmigration, Grassland Degradation, and Sustainable Land Use in Mongolia
01/12/2020 Interdependent Dynamics of Food, Energy and Water in Kazakhstan and Mongolia: Connecting LULCC to the Transitional Socioecological Systems
01/01/2020 Forced and Truncated Agrarian Transitions in Asia Through the Lens of Field Size Change
01/01/2020 Rapid Urbanization, Changing Croplands and Increasing Population Health Vulnerabilities in the China-Central Asia-West Asia Economic Corridor
05/01/2015 Urbanization and Sustainability Under Global Change and Transitional Economies:Synthesis from Southeast, East and North Asia (SENA)
04/01/2014 LCLUC Synthesis: Ecosystem-Society Interactions on a Changing Mongolian Plateau
04/01/2014 Monitoring and Mapping the Area, Extent and Shifting Geographies of Industrial Forests in the Tropics
01/01/2013 Understanding Impacts of Desert Urbanization on Climate and Surrounding Environments to Foster Sustainable Cities Using Remote Sensing and Numerical Modeling
01/01/2012 LCLUC Synthesis: Forested Land Cover and Land Use Change in the Far East of Northern Eurasia Under the Combined Drivers of Climate and Socio-Economic Transformation
04/01/2011 Multi-Scale and Multi-Sensor Analysis of Urban Cluster Development and Agricultural Land Loss in China and India
01/01/2010 Accessing Chinese Satellite Data Products for Land Applications
07/01/2009 Grassland Ecosystems and Societal Adaptations Under Changing Grazing Intensity and Climate on the Mongolian Plateau
05/20/2009 Interactive Changes of Ecosystems and Societies on the Mongolian Plateau: From Coupled Regulations of Land Use and Changing Climate to Adaptation
04/21/2009 China's Urbanization and Its Sustainability Under Future Climate Change
04/01/2009 NASA Data and Services Supporting Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study in Eastern Asia
04/01/2008 Monitoring and Modeling Urbanization in China: A Mixed Methods and Multi-Scale Approach
01/01/2008 Interactive Effects of Conservation and Development Policies on Land Cover and Panda Habitat in the Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuary (China)
01/01/2005 Changing Responses of Land Dynamics and Vulnerability to Flooding Under Policy and Environmental Change near Poyang Lake, China
01/01/2005 Effects of Land Use Change on the Energy and Water Balance of the Semi-Arid Region of Inner Mongolia
01/01/2005 Multi-scale Impacts of Land-Use/Land-Cover Change on Giant Panda Habitats
01/01/2004 Comparative Studies on Carbon Dynamics in Disturbed Forest Ecosystems: Eastern Russia and Northeastern China
01/01/2004 Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics of China in Support of GOFC/GOLD and NEESPI Sciences
01/01/2004 Quantifying the Effects of Land Use Change on Carbon Budgets in the Black Sea Region and China
01/01/2004 Using MODIS Data to Characterize Climate Model Land Surface Processes and the Impacts of Land Use/Cover Change on Surface Hydrological Processes
01/01/2000 Sources and Sinks of Carbon in Land-Use Change