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Start Date Title
05/01/2008 Land Use - Ecosystem - Climate Interactions in Monsoon Asia
04/23/2008 Developing Land Cover Classification Products in Monsoon Asia Over the Period of 2004-2007 Through Integration of Landsat and ALOS/PALSAR Images
04/10/2008 The Expansion of Rubber and its Implications for Water and Carbon Dynamics in Montane Mainland Southeast Asia
04/01/2008 Land Cover and Land Use Change and its Effects on Carbon Dynamics in Monsoon Asian Region
04/01/2008 Monitoring and Modeling Urbanization in China: A Mixed Methods and Multi-Scale Approach
01/01/2008 Interactive Effects of Conservation and Development Policies on Land Cover and Panda Habitat in the Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuary (China)
01/01/2008 Tropical Mangrove Forests: Global Distributions and Dynamics (1990-2005)
01/01/2005 A Comprehensive Statistical Analysis System to Associate Local Land-Cover/Land-Use Change and Regional Aerosol Composition and Concentration
01/01/2005 Application of Space-Based Technologies to Examine Land-Cover/Land-Use Change Along a Transect on the Yamal Peninsula and Novaya Zemlya, Russia
01/01/2005 Changing Responses of Land Dynamics and Vulnerability to Flooding Under Policy and Environmental Change near Poyang Lake, China
01/01/2005 Ecological Monitoring in Semi-Arid Central and West Asia: Drivers and Trajectories
01/01/2005 Effects of Land Use Change on the Energy and Water Balance of the Semi-Arid Region of Inner Mongolia
01/01/2005 Estimation of Seasonal Snow Cover and Glacial Area Changes in Central Asia (Tien Shan) During the Last 50 Years Using NASA ESE Products and In-Situ Data
01/01/2005 Evaluating the effects of institutional change on regional hydrometeorology: Assessing the vulnerability of the Eurasian semi-arid grain belt
01/01/2005 Multi-scale Impacts of Land-Use/Land-Cover Change on Giant Panda Habitats
01/01/2005 NELDA: Monitoring and Validating the Distribution and Change in Land Cover Across Northern Eurasia
01/01/2005 Relationship between Land Cover/Land Use Change and Surface Hydrology over Arid and Semiarid Regions
01/01/2005 Role of Land Cover and Land Use Change in Hydrology of Eurasian Pan-Arctic
01/01/2005 Understanding the Role of Changes in Land-Use/Land-Cover and Atmospheric Dust Loading and their Coupling on Climate Change in the NEESPI Study Domain Drylands
01/01/2005 Wildfire, Ecosystems, and Climate: Examining the Relationships Between Weather, Extreme Fire Events and Fire-Induced Land-Cover Change in the Changing Climate of Siberia
01/01/2004 Boreal Zone Forest Type and Structure from EOS Data Sets
01/01/2004 Comparative Studies on Carbon Dynamics in Disturbed Forest Ecosystems: Eastern Russia and Northeastern China
01/01/2004 Development of an Integrated System of Ground-, Air- and Space-based Observations of Biomass Burning in Northern Eurasia
01/01/2004 Diagnosis and Prognosis of Changes in Lake and Wetland Extent on the Regional Carbon Balance of Northern Eurasia
01/01/2004 Effects of Logging, Plantation Conversion, Biomass Burning and Regrowth on Carbon Dynamics in Bornean Peat and Dipterocarp Forests: Implications for Global Carbon Cycle