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Development of an Integrated System of Ground-, Air- and Space-based Observations of Biomass Burning in Northern Eurasia
Project Start Date
Project End Date
Project Call Name

Team Members:

Person Name Person role on project Affiliation
Ivan Csiszar Principal Investigator NOAA, College Park, United States

Northern Eurasia (NE) is the largest landmass, the largest terrestrial reservoir of organic carbon.

  • Active land use changes and socio-economic transformations Northern Eurasia is believed to play a critical role in global change
  • NE remains a major source of uncertainly in global estimates of
  • Area of forest, peatland, and other land cover types
  • Carbon pools and flux
  • Water discharge, etc.
  • Opportunities for research
  • Data resources
  • Local experience and expertise
  • Infrastructure
  • Challenging environment
  • Access to data resources, research expertise and infrastructure
  • Need for coordination among project and synthesis of results