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Synthesis Studies

Displaying 1 - 25 of 42
Start Date Title
07/31/2023 Decoding Land Transitions Across the Urban-Rural Continuums (URC): A Synthesis Study of Patterns, Drivers, and Socio-Environmental Impacts in Southeast Asia
05/24/2023 Synthesis Study of Land Cover, Land Use, and Demographic Change Under Multi-Dimensional Developments and Climate Pressures in Southeast Asia
03/01/2023 Modulation of Climate Risks by Intensification of Urban and Agricultural Land Uses in the Arabian Peninsula
01/01/2023 South Asian Smallholder Forests and Other Tree-Based Systems: Synthesizing LCLUC Data and Approaches to Foster a Natural Climate Solution that Improves Livelihoods
02/01/2022 Land Cover Land Use Change, Conflict, and Peacebuilding in Colombia
05/01/2017 Regionally Specific Drivers of Land-Use Transitions and Future Scenarios: A Synthesis Considering the Land Management Influence in the Southeastern US
05/01/2017 The Global Land Rush: A Socio-Environmental Synthesis
05/01/2017 Urban Growth, Land-Use Change, and Growing Vulnerability in the Greater Himalaya Mountain Range Across India, Nepal, and Bhutan
04/01/2017 Synthesis of Drivers, Patterns, and Trajectories of LCLUC in Island Ecosystems
05/01/2015 Synthesis of LCLUC Studies on Urbanization: State of the Art, Gaps in Knowledge, and New Directions for Remote Sensing Science
05/01/2015 Urbanization and Sustainability Under Global Change and Transitional Economies:Synthesis from Southeast, East and North Asia (SENA)
04/01/2014 Forest, Agricultural, and Urban Transitions in Mainland Southeast Asia: Synthesizing Knowledge and Developing Theory
04/01/2014 Land Cover and Land Use Changes and Their Effects on Carbon Dynamics in South and South East Asia: A Synthesis Study
04/01/2014 LCLUC Synthesis: Ecosystem-Society Interactions on a Changing Mongolian Plateau
04/01/2014 Regional and Global Climate and Societal Impacts of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change in Northern Eurasia: A Synthesis Study Using Remote Sensing Data and An Integrated Global System Model
04/01/2014 Yamal LCLUC Synthesis: A Synthesis of Remote-Sensing Studies, Ground Observations and Modeling to Understand the Social-Ecological Consequences of Climate Change and Resource Development on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia and Relevance to the Circumpolar Arctic
01/01/2012 LCLUC Synthesis: Forested Land Cover and Land Use Change in the Far East of Northern Eurasia Under the Combined Drivers of Climate and Socio-Economic Transformation
01/01/2012 Synthesis of Studies on Institutional Change and LCLUC Effects on Carbon, Biodiversity, and Agriculture After the Collapse of the Soviet Union
05/01/2011 200 Years of Land Use and Land Cover Changes and their Driving Forces in the Carpathian Basin in Central Europe
04/01/2011 Multi-Scale and Multi-Sensor Analysis of Urban Cluster Development and Agricultural Land Loss in China and India
01/01/2011 Synthesis and Integration of Recent Research Characterizing The Carbon Cycle of Northern Eurasia
09/01/2009 Assimilation of Tower and Satellite-Based Methane Observations for Improved Estimation of Methane Fluxes Over Northern Eurasia
06/01/2009 Integrating Field and Remotely Sensed Data for Improved Characterization of Permafrost Landscapes in the Russian Arctic
05/21/2009 Contribution to Studies of LCLUC in Northern Eurasia
05/01/2009 Understanding and Predicting the Impact of Climate Variability and Climate Change on Land Use and Land Cover Change Via Socio-Economic Institutions in Southern Africa