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NASA Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Joint Science Workshop 2015

Meeting Focus

This meeting will be held in conjunction with the LCLUC Spring Science Team Meeting between 20-24 April, 2015 at the Marriott Hotel and Conference Center in College Park, MD.

  • Four CC&E Focus Area Programs are involved (Terrestrial Ecology, Biodiversity, Land Use and Land Cover Change, Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry) in the Focus Area Workshop , as well as relevant Applied Sciences Program (Ecological Forecasting, some Agriculture and Water Resources), as well as NASA’s Carbon Monitoring System(CMS)
  • The objectives of the Joint Science Focus Area workshops are to share scientific research results and foster interdisciplinary interactions within the CC&E Focus Area and to deal with timely and important programmatic management issues. These meetings are held every ~3 years.
  • The “joint” part of the meeting will be Monday April 20, Tuesday April 21, and the morning of Wednesday April 22. The joint meeting will be followed by individual team meetings on Wednesday afternoon and into Thursday. Individual team meeting agendas will be set by their respective program managers. Location: College Park Marriott Hotel and Conference Center, College Park MD