A joint workshop of the EARSeL SIG LULC and the NASA LCLUC Science Team at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Meeting Focus
The workshop is organized in cooperation with the Global Land Project's Open Science Meeting, which will be held at the same location between 19-21 March, 2014. Reduced fees for people who participate in both workshops will be offered.
Meeting Overview
Landsat-8 and the upcoming Sentinels, together with an increasing number of free-access EO data archives open up new possibilites for space-based analysis of land use and land cover chance. This first joint workshop of the EARSeL SIG LULC and NASA's LCLUC Science Team focuses on the new frontiers in remote sensing analyses that result from these new possibilities. The workshop is organized along four themes.
- New sensors and emerging opportunities for land use and land cover monitoring
- Advances in Land-Cover and Land-Use Science using Earth Observations
- Mining the archives: better use of existing data for long-term LUCC studies
- Frontiers in Remote Sensing of Land Cover and Land Use
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