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Displaying 1 - 25 of 44
Start Date Title
07/31/2023 Decoding Land Transitions Across the Urban-Rural Continuums (URC): A Synthesis Study of Patterns, Drivers, and Socio-Environmental Impacts in Southeast Asia
05/24/2023 Synthesis Study of Land Cover, Land Use, and Demographic Change Under Multi-Dimensional Developments and Climate Pressures in Southeast Asia
01/01/2023 Drivers and constraints of land cover land use change in Asian aquaculture hotspots
09/01/2020 Toward near real-time monitoring of forest disturbance in Myanmar using multi-source imagery
03/23/2020 Divergent Local Responses to Globalization: Urbanization, Land Transition, and Environmental Changes in Southeast Asia
01/01/2020 Forced and Truncated Agrarian Transitions in Asia Through the Lens of Field Size Change
01/01/2020 Land-Use Transitions in Indonesian Peatlands
01/01/2020 Shifting Cultivation at a Crossroad: Drivers and Outcomes of Recent Land-Use Changes in Laos PDR
08/13/2019 Mapping and Monitoring Mangrove Forests in Southeast Asia
06/15/2018 Assessing the Impacts of Dams on the Dynamic Interactions Among Distant Wetlands, Land Use, and Rural Communities in the Lower Mekong River Basin
05/01/2018 A Cobra in the Forest? Quantifying the Impact of Perverse Incentives from Indonesia's Deforestation Moratorium, 2011 to 2016
05/01/2018 Agricultural Land Use Change in Central and Northeast Thailand: Effects on Biomass Emissions, Soil Quality, and Rural Livelihoods
05/01/2018 Forest Change and Oil Palm Expansion in Southeast Asia: Historical Patterns, Socioeconomic Drivers, and Future Projection
05/01/2018 Land Use Status, Change and Impacts in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos
05/01/2018 Land-Cover/Land-Use Change in Southern Vietnam Through the Lenses of Conflict, Religion, and Politics, 1980s to Present
05/01/2018 The Agrarian Transition in Mainland Southeast Asia: Changes in Rice Farming - 1995 to 2018
01/01/2018 Prototyping an Oil Palm Plantation MuSLI from Landsat and Dual-Wavelength Synthetic Aperture Radar
05/01/2017 Complex Forest Landscapes and Sociopolitical Drivers of Deforestation - The Interplay of Land-use Policies, Armed Conflict, and Human Displacement in Myanmar
05/01/2017 The Global Land Rush: A Socio-Environmental Synthesis
05/01/2017 Understanding the Role of Land Cover/Land Use Nexus in Malaria Transmission Under Changing Socio-Economic Climate in Myanmar
05/01/2017 Urban Growth, Land-Use Change, and Growing Vulnerability in the Greater Himalaya Mountain Range Across India, Nepal, and Bhutan
12/01/2015 South/Southeast Asia Research Initiative (SARI)
07/01/2015 Operational Algorithms and Products for Near Real Time Maps of Rice Extent and Rice Crop Growth Stage Using Multi - Source Remote Sensing
05/01/2015 Urbanization and Sustainability Under Global Change and Transitional Economies:Synthesis from Southeast, East and North Asia (SENA)
04/01/2014 Forest, Agricultural, and Urban Transitions in Mainland Southeast Asia: Synthesizing Knowledge and Developing Theory