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Black neighborhoods will bear future flood burden

March 29, 2022

Dr. Oliver Wing and his team created projected flood loss maps under the modest…

Invitation to special issue featuring 'Women in Remote Sensing'

March 12, 2022

"If they don't give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair." -Shirley Chisholm  


Happy International Women's Day – this seemed like an ideal time to reach…

Summer 2022 Workshop in Kazakhstan on Curriculum Development for Ecology and Environmental Sciences : Registration now open

March 08, 2022

Building on our previous efforts to share curricula for major courses important in environmental sciences, a team of educators from Michigan State University (MSU), George Washington University (…

Towards accelerating 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda - 15min questionnaire to describe the diversity of approaches to document and apply LCLU

February 18, 2022

The classification of Land Cover and Land Use (LCLU) is critical for addressing many of the UN Sustainability Goals. LCLU data standards are critical to support UN Agencies like the Food and…

Land Cover and Land Use Transformation and Impacts from Dragon Fruit Farming in Southern Vietnam

January 01, 2022

Son. V. Nghiem
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91109, USA


Bình Thuận Province in Vietnam has been undergoing an intensive…

MSU Team Expands their LCLUC Project to Share US Curriculums with Central Asian Faculty in Ecology and environmental Sciences

January 01, 2022

Based on a LCLUC project on the Interdependent dynamics of food, energy and water in Kazakhstan and Mongolia: Connecting LULCC to the transitional socioecological systems (PIs: Jiquan Chen, Jinhua…