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SCERIN hot-topic seminar on December 13th, 15:30-16:30 CET

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Seminar Title: Cloud-gap-filled global maps of essential biophysical variables processed from the TOA Sentinel-3 catalogue in Google Earth Engine

Abstract: We explored Sentinel-3 (S3) top-of-atmosphere OLCI data with hybrid retrieval models to infer four essential  key variables: LCC, LAI, FAPAR,FVC. 

Models were trained based on SCOPE-6SV and Gaussian Process Regression algorithms were used to retrieve global vegetation maps for the year 2019.

Results were correlated against MODIS LAI/FPAR products over different land covers. Uncertainty and correlation maps were created as well and will be discussed during the seminar.

Short bio-sketch of the presenter (in his own words): I am David D Kovacs from Hungary. I have done my bachelors in the UK at the University of Southampton in Aerospace Engineering. Because I love satellites and everything geo/astrophysics, I wanted to specialize in this field therefore  I came to Valencia to do my Masters in Remote Sensing. I have joined the research group of Jochem Verrelst, where I conduct research with him and amongst many others with Katja Berger as well. I am currently working with Sentinel-3 OLCI data thus I will be presenting our global biophysical products at the Sentinel 3 Validation Meeting. Please share the invitation with your interested colleagues, and use the CHAT during the seminar to post questions and/or rase hand to speak.

NEWS - During 2023 SCERIN will be organizing monthly hot-topic seminars to introduce/showcase the research of the SCERIN members.

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