Northern Eurasia Future Initiative (NEFI) Updates
Upcoming Meetings
•December 8-13, 2019. San Francisco, California. AGU Annual Meeting. This Session “Environmental, socio-economic and climatic changes in Northern Eurasia” (30 presentations)
•Feb. 19-21, 2020. Hirosaki, Japan. International workshop on snow cover changes and its modeling over Northern Eurasia (Lead: Prof. A. Yatagai).
•March 2-6, 2020. Tokyo, Japan. Sixth International Symposium on Arctic Research (ISAR-6). Presentation by P. Groisman, S Gulev, D. Streletskiy, G. Peng, N. Speranskaya, and N. Tchebakova, 2020: “Environment changes in the Eurasian Arctic” that will be further reworked into an overview NEFI paper.
•March 9-10, 2020. Nagoya, Japan. The 1st International Joint Workshop on “Pan-Arctic Water-Carbon Cycles and Arctic Hydrological Cycle Сhanges”.
•May 24-28, 2020. Chiba, Japan. JpGU-AGU Annual Conference. Session “Environmental, socio-economic and climatic changes in Northern Eurasia”.
•July 5-11, 2020. Tomsk, Russia. International Conference and Early Career Scientists School on Environmental Observations, Modeling and Information Systems ENVIROMIS-2020.
•28 June – 4 July, 2020. Hongcheon, Korea. Session AS67, Environmental Changes in Asian Mountains and Northern Eurasia at the 17th Asia-Oceania Geoscience Society Meeting, AOGS2020.
•24-26 September 2020. Barcelona, Spain. Up to 3 Sessions at the 3rd World Congress on Climate Change (devoted to the Eurasian Arctic, Boreal Zone, and Drylands).