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ForestSAT 2022: Cancelled

12-16 September, 2022 - Krakow, Poland -

We regret to inform you that, after much discussion, our planned conference in Krakow this year has been cancelled. The current unpredictable political situation as a consequence of Russia's aggression against Ukraine makes it very difficult for the local organisers to guarantee the proper organisation of this planned event. The growing number of refugees arriving from Ukraine to Poland (over 2.3 million) causes specific logistical challenges and humanitarian aid priorities, which also have consequences in limiting the available hotel base in Krakow. As this situation is not likely to improve in the next few months, it is impossible for us to guarantee a normal in-person event or even ensure the safety of our community should the war continue to escalate further west. 

Therefore, together with the local organisers, we have taken the sad decision to cancel this event in September 2022 altogether. We understand and share your disappointment after a second consecutive cancellation - first, because of COVID and now because of the Putin invasion of a neighbouring peaceful country. As I’m sure you can understand, this is not a circumstance any of us could have prevented and, with so little time before the planned conference dates of September 2022, no time to work on an alternative.

Nevertheless, the ForestSAT board would like to hear your reactions, suggestions, and any other ideas that may contribute to keeping this event alive in the near future. Although there is barely any time to work on alternative venues, the board is still open to considering proposals for the organisation of a conference this year. Please, do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your ideas. With such a tight timeline, we ask that those who would be interested in developing a proposal contact us within the next week– no later than April 6th. Correspondence can be directed to

We would like to take the opportunity to express all our support and thanks to Dr. Piotr Wezyk, prof. URK, his team from the Faculty of Forestry at the University of Agriculture in Krakow, and all their co-organisers, for all the work they have invested in this event and the hard times they are living through because of this inexplicable and unjustifiable situation. Warm support is also extended to our Ukrainian colleagues with the hope that we can have them all safe and contributing to our community sooner than later. 
Best wishes to you all, 
ForestSAT Board of Directors


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