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Call for proposals: Norway to grant advanced access to high resolution satellite data #HighRes4Forests

Is your organization, institution, company or consortium using satellite data to halt deforestation in the tropics?
GFOI's leading partner the Norwegian International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI) will grant advanced access to high-resolution satellite data to selected users aiming to help reduce and reverse tropical forest loss to contribute to a stable climate, protect biodiversity and enhance sustainable development.
In addition to the images already universally available to the general public from NICFI, the winners will be able to access not only the mosaics but also the underlying imagery and select scenes from the historical SPOT5/6/7 archive back to 2002. Moreover, they will be granted daily viewing access to PlanetScope's imagery 24 hours after capture.
The call is open until the 13th of June 2021.

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