Call for Papers A special issue of Remote Sensing on "Land Cover/Land Use Change (LCLUC) - Causes, Consequences and Environmental Impacts in South/Southeast Asia“
Call for Papers
A special issue of Remote Sensing on "Land Cover/Land Use Change (LCLUC) - Causes, Consequences and Environmental Impacts in South/Southeast Asia“
Editors : Krishna Prasad Vadrevu, Chris Justice, Garik Gutman
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 30 April 2020
This Special Issue invites articles on the use of remote sensing and geospatial technologies focusing on South/Southeast Asia in the in the following LC/LUC areas:
- Use of optical, thermal, multispectral, hyperspectral, LIDAR and airborne remote sensing data for LC/LUC mapping/monitoring, quantifying the causes/consequences including impact assessment studies integrating both biophysical and social datasets;
- Remote sensing of forest cover changes and impacts on biogeochemical cycling.
- Agricultural monitoring and land use change mapping including remote sensing of crop growth stage, crop calendars, crop production, farming practices and impacts on water/energy balance.
- LUCC, urbanization and associated impacts (urban climate, air and water pollution, etc.).
- LUCC, fires, biomass burning and pollution impacts.
- Integrating remote sensing data for emission inventories linking bottom-up and top-down approaches.
- Mapping and monitoring of land management practices, disturbances, and interactions;
- Detecting long-term trends in LUCC and impacts on hydrological variables, such as runoff, evapotranspiration, and soil moisture.
- Spatio-temporal data mining, modeling, and analysis for LUCC data and impact assessment studies.
- New tools and methods for LUCC data generation and dissemination.
Both the regional scientists, as well as international researchers working on the above topics in the South/Southeast Asian region, are invited to contribute to this Special Issue.
Dr. Krishna Prasad Vadrevu
Dr. Garik Gutman
Prof. Chris Justice
Guest Editors
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